Service Groups/Committees

The Service Groups/Committees are as follows:

(Building, Enviromental, Maintenance)

Committees are formed by the church to assist the parish priest in the administration and running of parish affairs. These committees are areas where parishioners can truly offer their time, talent and treasure for the growth of the church. The harvest is plentiful… but the laborers are few; find a place to work in the Lord’s vineyard.

The security committee is charged with ensuring the safety and security of the church and parishioners and their belongings within the premises and environs. Duties covers – guard duty, checks and searches, patrols, surveillance, traffic control- vehicular and pedestrian, park direction. The committee along with the church warden also help to ensure order and our safety at processions and other events outside the church premises.
We also assist the parish in controlling or preventing access to the church premises for -all arms and ammunition’s, potential weapons, large bags, extremely indecently dressed individuals, beggars.

Contacts: Mr Tony Ayalogu. 08053169738

The welfare committee is concerned with matters of the physical and emotional well-being of parishioners, visiting parishioners whenever the need to felicitate or condole with them arises. These occasions include but are not limited to

Health and Accidents

The committee maintains a welfare register in the parish office for any of the above situations to be communicated to them. All welfare officers of all organization in the parish are automatically co-opted members of this committee.

Contact and Meeting- Sister Tonia Audi- 08037882131

Meeting day- Sundays after 10am Mass

The Communication committee of the parish is responsible for the design and production and dissemination of all information media in the church. The committee carries out the following works and any others assigned by the parish

Bulletin production/Visual display unit management/management of parish notice boards, Management of parish new media initiatives and online presence,Management of the parish periodic magazine/ publicity for parish programs, Production of all printed items in the parish/Approval of all print media, publicity items to be used by any groups /individuals within the church

Contacts: Sir Tony Ogwu 07034993300

Meeting days-Sundays after 10am mass

The liturgical committee assists the parish priest in planning all liturgical functions in the parish and in organizing and managing all programs aimed at parishioners spiritual well-being and growth.

Contact: Sir Gregory Oshiolumchetse. 07063344306

Meeting days- Sundays after 10am mass