Parishioners are hereby informed to return their ols palm in preparation for Ash Wednesday on the 2nd of March, 2022.
Parents that have kids between the ages of 2 – 5 are advised to collect a tag that has same number with the one given to the child to wear; at the end of the mass, parents are expected to return the tag to the coordinator before your child would be released to you.
Life in Christ, Holy Family Charismatic renewal are preparing for “Life in Spirit Seminar”. Starting on the 25th March, 2022. Interested parishioners are welcome.
There would be an enlarged meeting of all persons who are part of the church communication team. Including those who had indicated interest to join previously and are still interested. The meeting is slated for Thursday, 24th February, 2022, by 5pm at the church premises. Your attendance is very important.
Sign. PRO